ISC2 By-Laws Proposal #9

Note: It was pointed out on 12/2/2022 that the Original text below was not correct. It has been updated with strikeouts and red insertions to reflect the current by-laws. There is no change to the actual proposal. The Original below is for convenience only. There is a link to the current by-laws on the website in case of any confusion or error.


X. Amendments

The power to ratify, amend, or repeal these Bylaws, in whole or in part, shall be in the Members. Any such action shall require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all Members voting in person or by proxy at a any meeting duly called for this purpose. to address this item. A minimum of 5% of the Members must vote for Bylaws change vote to be valid. The Board of Directors may propose amendments approved by vote of two-thirds of Directors then in office. Members may submit proposed Bylaws changes using the process to petition for a Special meeting of the members.


X. Amendments

The power to ratify, amend, or repeal these Bylaws, in whole or in part, shall be in the Members. Any such action shall require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all Members voting in person or by proxy at a meeting called for this purpose. A minimum of 500 votes in favor of the change must be cast for the change to be valid. The Board of Directors may propose amendments approved by vote of two-thirds of Directors then in office. Members may submit proposed Bylaws changes using the process to petition for a Special meeting of the members.


Currently, the Bylaws can be amended by as few as 40 people. That would be 2/3 of a minimum quorum of members as defined in VI.5. Changes to the Bylaws should be more difficult than that. Suggestion is that it should be at least as difficult at the petition process.

