ISC2 By-Laws Changes Proposal

Recently the Board of Directors of ISC2 put forth the candidates for the 2022 Board of Directors Elections. They nominated 5 people for 5 open positions, thus eliminating the actual election and making it an affirmation. As a result, I, along with input from a number of others have put forth the following by-laws changes, so that this cannot happen again. We need to have 500 members sign the petition to put these proposals on the ballot for the Annual Meeting. Below you will find links to the actual proposals, and a form which will allow you to sign the petition. Even if you do not completely agree with all the proposals, you are encouraged to sign the petition so they can at least be put to a vote.

Thanks for your support,

Stephen M. Mencik, CISSP, ISSEP, ISSAP


By signing this petition, I am asking for the proposals contained on this website be added to the next Annual Meeting agenda or for a Special Meeting to be called to consider these proposals, whichever comes first.

Please ensure your name, member number, and email address match those on file with ISC2.

First Name
Last Name
Member Number
Email address